Learn English with LetHappen
All our students work in small groups with professional ESL teachers
English class for beginners online
This online class is for those who just start, don't know even basic words or phrases, have no clue about the reading rules and cannot speak at all. It will help to improve faster your basic speaking and undertsading skills
Low intermediate English class online
The online English course for low intermediate level is designed to help you to assimilate into American society. Experienced teachers explain current topics of everyday life: acquaintance, paperwork, repair job, purchase and much more
Intermediate English class online
Intermediate online English course involves not only everyday topics but also lexicology and grammar necessary for doing business, office work, partnerships, negotiations, documentary work. At this course you will train more complicated phrases and understanding
Advanced English class online
This class is designed for those who already mastered strong English skills and want to improve to the advanced level of speaking, writing, reading and understadning. Here we discuss complicated life topics, start discussions, learn deeply English grammar
English Speaking club with a native speaker
We arrange English speaking club for different levels of students online with a native American speaker. We invite you to this online club at weekends once a week. This is a great opportunity to train your English speaking skills and understanding of an American accent
English for naturalisation online
This online course is designed for those who is going to take an exam for naturalisation or getting American citizenship to pass an interview with an immigration officer. The course is designed so that you can quickly master the necessary English language skills to successfully pass the exam and interview
If you have any questions or want to join one of the courses
Feel free to contact our specialists by filling out the form below and get full information on the issue. Or by email : or call/text +1(480)-269-1422